Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Mr. and Mrs. Weston Lewis Wedding Ceremony at Cochino Lodge

March 28, 2015
Megan and Weston 
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis

The weather was wonderful.  It was an outdoor wedding celebration  that was beautiful.  The blue water of the lake, clear skies and sun , green grass, huge pine trees across the water all made for an unbelievable backdrop.  Many came from China, Texas some from Louisiana. Everyone enjoyed the wedding as well as park like atmosphere. Fishing went on from morning until into the night. A fish fry from the day's catch was enjoyed by the group.  Grandparents strolled along the roadway of Cochino enjoying the great outdoors with the little ones as well as along the lake. Night sounds were enjoyed as the guest watched the sun set, visited, laughed,  and planned for the next day.  
The wedding was very elegant. The food from Dickey's BBQ from Lufkin, Texas was served at the reception. There was food enough  to take home and so delicious.  Music was provided by Mike Floyd and  loved by the guests who  danced the night away. Beautiful fresh  flower arrangements were everywhere. The arrangements were created lovingly by the Bride's talented mother.    The Photographer was Paula Willmon who did a great job and I am looking for her work to post. The wedding cakes were beautiful and very delicious, just perfect for the Bride and Groom.   
These two  came together for a great life together, to raise a family and embrace a wonderful life. Both have families who stand behind them and have good qualities to inspire and guide them. This is what it is all about.

Love is all we need !!!

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